Steven Williamson Pty Ltd
Geological Consultants
ABN 59 154 052 294
Copyright © 2015, Steven Williamson Pty Ltd
Phone: +61 3 9818 2931
Mobile: +61 419 005 467
About Us
Steven Williamson
Principal Geologist
BSc (Hons), MSc, MAIG, RPGeo

Steven is a consulting geologist based in Melbourne with over 20 years experience in mineral exploration and the evaluation of mineral projects. He has a BSc (Hons) in Geology from James Cook University, North Queensland, an MSc in Mineral Exploration from Queen’s University, Ontario, Canada and an MSc in Hydrogeology and Groundwater Management from UTS, Sydney.

Prior to establishing Steven Williamson Pty Ltd he worked for various mining companies throughout the world and within Australia on a variety of commodities including vein Au/Ag deposits, Cu/Au porphyry systems, skarn and VMS deposits.

Previous companies, positions and exploration projects include:
CSR – Mine Geologist/Project Geologist-Lebong Tandai, Lerokis (Wetar, Indonesia), Granny Smith (WA), Paupers Dream (Montana, USA)
Newmont - Senior Geologist - Naxeng, Huai Khan (Laos), Kyaukpahto (Myanmar)
Sumiko Consultants - Senior Geologist - (Niger, Kazakhstan)
Phelps Dodge – Country Manager - Puthep Project (Thailand), Aceh, Masupa Ria (Indonesia)
Intrepid Mines - Project Chief Geologist - Tujuh Bukit (Indonesia).

Steven also worked for 5 years at Golder Associates (Melbourne) on a range of groundwater related projects.

He is a Registered Professional Geoscientist in the fields of Mineral Exploration and Hydrogeology, member of the Australian Institute of Geoscience and current chairman of the AIG Victorian Branch Committee.

Steve is also trained and certified in the use of Field Portable XRF.
Simon Yardley
Senior Geologist
BSc (Hons)

Simon is a senior exploration and mine geologist with over 35 years of diverse international, technical and project management experience. He has a BSc (Special) in Geology from Chelsea College, University of London and undertook the Mineral Exploration diploma course at Imperial College.

Simon has worked on a range of commodities for various mining companies throughout the world including Diamond Corporation, Stockdale Prospecting , Anglo American Australia, CSR, Billiton, Placer Dome, Newmont, Phelps Dodge, Geopacific Resources and Sumatra Copper Gold.

Work locations include West Africa, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Australia, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar.

Simon's experience has been principally in the following commodities/deposit styles:

copper gold and copper molybdenum porphyry and skarn
epithermal, mesothermal and "Carlin" style gold
volcanogenic massive sulphide

Simon’s expertise includes:

Management of exploration programs
Implementation of quality sampling practices
Geological inputs into resource models
Establishment and supervision of remote area drilling programs using a large variety of rigs
Pre-feasibility and feasibility drilling of copper and gold prospects
Logistical support for establishing exploration programs
Simon has extensive experience with boats (zodiacs, landing craft, cargo vessels), helicopters,
bulldozers, excavators and remote area logistics and communications
Training and management of local technical and support staff.

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